Editorial Design / Data Visualization
UFCSPA (Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre) is an educational institution of higher education and research on health sciences. The Scientific Development and the Institutional annual reports have an objective of comprehensively presenting the institution’s activities and performance, while representing values such as commitment to development, transparency and humanist and environmental respect.
These two publications are heavily informational and the challenge here was to create engaging materials that would be easy and almost effortless to read and consult as well as visually exciting and in line with corporate identity and principles. The solution for both projects became to apply innovative and lively graphic concepts that work alongside carefully thought text elements and features.
Client: UFCSPA / Studio: Néktar Design
Scientific Development Report
This report features all the research projects, articles and publications developed during the year by the institution.
Human to Human
All this scientific production and the results and progress it generates are ultimately developed for a bigger goal which is humankind welfare, so the idea here was to use images of the human body as a supporting element to make a connection between the report’s content and its end beneficiary: the people. Click here to view the full 2011 Scientific Development report (in Portuguese).
Institutional Report
This report features all the financial figures and indicators for the current year.
Nature to Numbers
The concept idea of natural colours, textures and surfaces used as graphic elements aims to bring a more organic life to the rational world of numbers, justified by the realization that basically nature is at the core of every study and, consequently, the institution’s progress and results. Click here to view the full 2011 Institutional Report report (in Portuguese).